If you are a public agency or a private employer with 50 or more employees you probably already know that your organization is covered by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). If you’ve had to administer an employee’s leave, you are well-versed in all the required paperwork. From the Notice of Eligibility and Designation Notice, to the medical certifications required, there is no shortage of details to oversee.
With all those forms to fill out, it would be easy to overlook something as small as an expiration date. But, if you use the forms provided by the Department of Labor (DOL), you might notice that your forms are sporting a Feb. 28, 2015 expiration date (see the upper right corner).
You will be glad to know that is one detail you can ignore for now. The DOL has extended that date until March 31, 2015, as you will see on forms downloaded from their website after March 1. In fact, you can continue to use the handy DOL forms (available for free download here) until they release the newest versions, even if it they aren’t out by the end of the month.
No major changes are expected. The DOL forms are typically only good for three years at a time, thanks to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. According to that law, these forms must be submitted for review every three years to the Office of Management and Budget. As soon as they finish their review of the forms, new forms with a new expiration date will be available. Until then, you can ignore that little detail and continue to use the “expired” forms.
If you have questions about FMLA administration, send an email our way. Write to hrhelpline@eastcoastrm.com and we will be happy to help.
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