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Hot Off the Presses: FMLA Guide for Employers!

By May 4, 2016July 23rd, 2018Human Resources

by Laura Pokrzywa

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was drafted with the best of intentions: to help workers balance the demands of the workplace with the needs of their families and their own health. However, like so many well-intended laws, the application of this complex law can be quite burdensome. If you are a public employer or a private employer with at least 50 employees, you may be rolling your eyes right now.

Believe it or nFMLA blogot, the Department of Labor (DOL) has heard your cries and has created a FMLA guide book just for employers. The DOL recently introduced the long-awaited 75-page document that includes seven detailed chapters to help covered employers properly administer this intricate law. Chapters include:

  1. Covered Employers under the FMLA and their General Notice Requirements
  2. When an Employee Needs FMLA Leave
  3. Qualifying Reasons for Leave
  4. The Certification Process
  5. Military Family Leave
  6. During an Employee’s FMLA Leave
  7. FMLA Prohibitions

The Employer’s Guide to the Family and Medical Leave Act (download it for free by clicking on the title) also includes numerous links to DOL web pages and regulations to help you find specific information. In addition, a topical index will help you locate specific answers within the guide.

When it comes to FMLA, you can never have too much help. So, this is a great time to tell you that REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the final installation of our 3-part series of webinars all about FMLA!

REGISTER TODAY by clicking here!

Join us May 19 at 11:00 AM as we dive into what is sometimes called the “Bermuda Triangle” of leave laws. Our free webinar will help you navigate the mysterious intersection of FMLA, the Americans with Disabilities Act and workers’ comp.

As always, feel free to contact us if you have questions about FMLA, leaves of absence, or any other HR topic. Email us at .

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